Registration for all programs now open!

Introduction to Contemplative Dance/Authentic Movement - Part One. Five two-hour sessions exploring the moving being and the principles supporting this practice. Faculty: Daphne Lowell (Introductory) (Online) Fridays 10am-12pm Eastern. September 20, 27, October 4, 18, 25 (no class October 11). 

Witnessing Time: Autumn's Equinox.  A CD/AM meditation at this special time when earth is poised between seasons north and south in a kind of equilibrium, and nights and days last just about the same all over the globe. Faculty: Daphne Lowell (Experienced) (Online) 10am-1pm Eastern. Monday, September 23. 

Fall Retreat: Simple Gifts — In Person! A meditation retreat making space for simplicity, as we together explore themes of this season in guided movement meditations and longer AM sessions. Faculty: Daphne Lowell (Experienced) (In Person) Friday-Sunday, October 11-13. 

Stay tuned for more programs!