Introduction to Contemplative Dance/Authentic Movement
Part One (5-week series)
Coming home to body, we witness spirit moving. Compassion deepens.
Faculty: Daphne Lowell
Dates: September 20, 27, October 4, 18, 25 (no class October 11)
Time: Fridays, 10-Noon Eastern (series of five two-hour sessions)
Tuition (sliding-scale): $300 / $350 / $400
Location: Online
Prerequisites: A commitment to the whole five-week series; curiosity, compassion, respect; responsibility to your wellbeing; and the ability to maintain safe boundaries.
Join me as I introduce core aspects of this simple and evocative form of moving meditation in a series of five two-hour sessions. We’ll practice paying attention to the movements and stillnesses that are present to awareness with discernment and while suspending criticism. We’ll explore physical, imagistic, and poetic forms of experience, imagination, and expression, and develop familiarity with inner and outer witnessing. We’ll also practice respectful ways to reflect on our experiences of moving/being still. Throughout, we’ll cultivate compassion for self and each other, an appreciation for difference, and care for safety.
This series is designed for people with little to no previous experience in this work, but people with experience in it are welcome. I will later offer a second series of sessions to focus on witnessing practices. This series is a prerequisite for the second.
Application and payment are due by September 4th — click here.
For more information or questions, contact
Cancellation Policy: Tuition fees are non-refundable. If you cancel after registration, we may refund a portion of your fees in special circumstances.